Course curriculum

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    • Master Your Mindset

    • Intro to INTEGRITY

    • Understanding INTEGRITY

    • Quick integrity self-assessment

    • Insights into INTEGRITY

    • How do you strengthen your INTEGRITY?

    • Simple to Super: Choose Your Beliefs

    • Where does your integrity make a difference?

    • Deep beliefs require disciplined behavior

    • Asssignment: Write Down Your Standards

    • Simple to Super: Align Your Attitude, Action, and Words

    • How aligned are you?

    • Drawing clear INTEGRITY boundaries.

    • The true test of your INTEGRITY

    • How important is INTEGRITY to your life?

    • Integrity: Awareness, Discipline, & Confidence Reminders

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    • Understanding RESPONSIBILITY

    • Quick responsibility self-assessment

    • How do you strengthen your RESPONSIBILITY?

    • Your Line of Responsiblity

    • Journal: the push + pull of responsibility

    • Entitlement vs. Responsibility

    • Rights or Responsibilities?

    • Average responsibility is not responsibility at all.

    • Three levels of responsibility

    • A quick responsibility audit

    • Take responsibility when they don’t.

    • Responsibility is authorship.

    • How important is RESPONSIBILITY to your life?

    • Journal: Becoming a more responsible author

    • Responsibility: Awareness, Discipline, and Confidence Reminders